
Why You Need A Duplicate Car Key For Your Car

Why You Need A Duplicate Car Key For Your Car

Let’s face it, emergencies do happen, but for the most uncanny reasons, they happen at the most unexpected and worst possible time you could imagine. When you are not prepared, at all.

Maybe you’re running late for a meeting with your client at Stedmak and now you can’t find your car keys, or maybe you’ve locked your keys inside the car. What do you do next? 

These issues can be solved in an instant with a spare key, saving you from a disaster. Every driver should have an extra car key. Take it from the key experts, we’ve seen every possible key emergency you can imagine. Now that’s a story for another day! Point is, trust us when we say, you need our car key duplication services. 

Here’s 7 reasons why you need a duplicate car key:

1. Saves Money

Having a duplicate key from an auto locksmith when you already have one that works will save you money. An auto locksmith will usually have less work to do because he or she will not need to gain access to your vehicle or remove any locks.

2. Peace Of Mind

Even if you’re the only driver of the car and don’t need an extra key, it’s always a good idea to have a spare car key in a secure location. This eliminates the fear of misplacing your key and offers a backup solution if you can’t find your key. 

If you’re running late, take the spare key and look for the missing key when you have more time.

3. Convenient

Having a duplicate car key eliminates the need to tow your vehicle to a garage or wait for an auto locksmith to arrive.

4. Saves Time

In case you lose your car key for whatever reason, it’s likely that you’ll be without a car for more than a week. 

A car locksmith will typically replace a missing car key within 24 hours, but some main dealers will need to order a replacement key from abroad, which may take up to seven days.

5. Substitute in Case Of A Key Emergency

If you lock your keys in the car by mistake, you’ll have a spare key to open the vehicle and get your keys back.

Bending and snapping of car keys is a common occurrence. If your key snaps in two, having a spare in a safe place would come in handy.

6. Car Security

If your car key is stolen, you run the risk of the thieves tracking down and stealing your vehicle. 

Car thieves would most likely gain entry to your vehicle before an auto locksmith, but if you have a spare key, you can move it to a secure location where an auto locksmith will cut a new key and delete the stolen key.

7. Quick cloning

An auto locksmith will clone some car keys in a matter of seconds. The key is put into a cloning system, which reads the data from the transponder and duplicates it onto another key.

If you lose all of the keys to a Toyota, the cost of replacing them is high because the ECU must be removed.

Hopefully, the above reasons have convinced you to get your car keys duplicated and you’re currently making a phone call to us to proceed with the necessary. Be prepared. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Reach out to us for any of your car key related needs and we’ll sort you out in a giphy. 

What other reasons can you think of for having a spare key? Let us know in the comments below.

Until next time, cheers!

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